Here is what we do to safeguard children and vulnerable adults.

You will find information about who to contact on notices in church, particularly in each of the toilets.

What to do if there is a safeguarding issue at St John’s Sharow or Holy Innocents’ Copt Hewick

Urgent concerns about the safety of a child or vulnerable adult:

Contact NYCC Social Care on 08450349410

Or the local police on 101 or 999

Inform the Parish Safeguarding Officer and the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor as soon as you can.

Make notes of any action taken.

Concerns about a children or vulnerable adult,

Concerns about the behaviour of clergy or other adults within the church community

Contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team


[email protected]

Make notes of any action taken.

Concerns about the safeguarding procedures and practices.

Contact Nicky Howgate, Safeguarding Representative on

[email protected]  07974731609 or

Ruth Newton, Parish Priest on [email protected]